本人于2020年9月成功用Newifi 3 D2刷入Openwrt并成功开启NAT6.
- 刷入openwrt或基于openwrt的固件,最好是原版。
- 输入192.168.1.1配置好后台密码并开启ssh
- 打开终端,(Windows系统:在左下角右键点击,开启Powershell;Mac系统,打开终端;Linux系统就不用多说了),输入’ssh [email protected]’,根据提示输入刚刚设置的密码。
- 确保路由器正常联网。
终端输入opkg update && opkg install kmod-ipt-nat6
将IPv6 ULA Prefix由f改为d
终端输入uci set network.globals.ula_prefix="$(uci get network.globals.ula_prefix | sed 's/^./d/')" && uci commit network
终端输入uci set dhcp.lan.ra_default='1' && uci commit dhcp
终端输入touch /etc/init.d/nat6 && vi /etc/init.d/nat6
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # NAT6 init script for OpenWrt // Depends on package: kmod-ipt-nat6 START=55 # Options # ------- # Use temporary addresses (IPv6 privacy extensions) for outgoing connections? Yes: 1 / No: 0 PRIVACY=1 # Maximum number of attempts before this script will stop in case no IPv6 route is available # This limits the execution time of the IPv6 route lookup to (MAX_TRIES+1)*(MAX_TRIES/2) seconds. The default (15) equals 120 seconds. MAX_TRIES=15 # An initial delay (in seconds) helps to avoid looking for the IPv6 network too early. Ideally, the first probe is successful. # This would be the case if the time passed between the system log messages "Probing IPv6 route" and "Setting up NAT6" is 1 second. DELAY=5 # Logical interface name of outbound IPv6 connection # There should be no need to modify this, unless you changed the default network interface names # Edit by Vincent: I never changed my default network interface names, but still I have to change the WAN6_NAME to "wan" instead of "wan6" WAN6_NAME="wan6" # --------------------------------------------------- # Options end here - no need to change anything below boot() { [ $DELAY -gt 0 ] && sleep $DELAY logger -t NAT6 "Probing IPv6 route" PROBE=0 COUNT=1 while [ $PROBE -eq 0 ] do if [ $COUNT -gt $MAX_TRIES ] then logger -t NAT6 "Fatal error: No IPv6 route found (reached retry limit)" && exit 1 fi sleep $COUNT COUNT=$((COUNT+1)) PROBE=$(route -A inet6 | grep -c '::/0') done logger -t NAT6 "Setting up NAT6" WAN6_INTERFACE=$(uci get "network.$WAN6_NAME.ifname") if [ -z "$WAN6_INTERFACE" ] || [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/$WAN6_INTERFACE/" ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Fatal error: Lookup of $WAN6_NAME interface failed. Were the default interface names changed?" && exit 1 fi WAN6_GATEWAY=$(route -A inet6 -e | grep "$WAN6_INTERFACE" | awk '/::\/0/{print $2; exit}') if [ -z "$WAN6_GATEWAY" ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Fatal error: No IPv6 gateway for $WAN6_INTERFACE found" && exit 1 fi LAN_ULA_PREFIX=$(uci get network.globals.ula_prefix) if [ $(echo "$LAN_ULA_PREFIX" | grep -c -E "^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}):([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):") -ne 1 ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Fatal error: IPv6 ULA prefix $LAN_ULA_PREFIX seems invalid. Please verify that a prefix is set and valid." && exit 1 fi ip6tables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s "$LAN_ULA_PREFIX" -o "$WAN6_INTERFACE" -j MASQUERADE if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Added IPv6 masquerading rule to the firewall (Src: $LAN_ULA_PREFIX - Dst: $WAN6_INTERFACE)" else logger -t NAT6 "Fatal error: Failed to add IPv6 masquerading rule to the firewall (Src: $LAN_ULA_PREFIX - Dst: $WAN6_INTERFACE)" && exit 1 fi route -A inet6 add 2000::/3 gw "$WAN6_GATEWAY" dev "$WAN6_INTERFACE" if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Added $WAN6_GATEWAY to routing table as gateway on $WAN6_INTERFACE for outgoing connections" else logger -t NAT6 "Error: Failed to add $WAN6_GATEWAY to routing table as gateway on $WAN6_INTERFACE for outgoing connections" fi if [ $PRIVACY -eq 1 ] ; then echo 2 > "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$WAN6_INTERFACE/accept_ra" if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Accepting router advertisements on $WAN6_INTERFACE even if forwarding is enabled (required for temporary addresses)" else logger -t NAT6 "Error: Failed to change router advertisements accept policy on $WAN6_INTERFACE (required for temporary addresses)" fi echo 2 > "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$WAN6_INTERFACE/use_tempaddr" if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t NAT6 "Using temporary addresses for outgoing connections on interface $WAN6_INTERFACE" else logger -t NAT6 "Error: Failed to enable temporary addresses for outgoing connections on interface $WAN6_INTERFACE" fi fi exit 0 }
终端输入chmod +x /etc/init.d/nat6 && /etc/init.d/nat6 enable
终端输入uci set firewall.@rule["$(uci show firewall | grep 'Allow-ICMPv6-Forward' | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1)"].enabled='0' && uci commit firewall
终端输入vi /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding=2 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=2 net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra=2 net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra=2
终端输入vi /etc/firewall.user
ip6tables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s $(uci get network.globals.ula_prefix) -j MASQUERADE
- https://www.lolimay.cn/2018/07/09/openwrt-nat6/
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